Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jerry Saltz's coming out on Facebook


(Those wild and crazy kids, Jerry and Bill, showing each other some love.)

Venerated New York Magazine art critic Jerry Saltz has graced us with his surprise Facebook presence for the past month and a half. To say that Saltz must have one of those little bird bobbing toys clicking yes to his many "add friend" requests the whole day through is no understatement. 1,800 friends and counting, Saltz has just added his first art review snippet as a "note" on Marlene Dumas' much maligned Moma showing. Now, it's one thing for ravenous commentary to spring up on the Winklemans, the ArtFagCities, or the other such like, but with his little paragraph slamming Ms. Dumas, Jerry has now entered the world of online criticism like a full-on wrecking ball. With 72 interactive comments as of this hour, Saltz may forever be changing the voice and nature of the print critic and online community with what I would call a unique olive branch (or is it a piece of bloody meat for the wolves?) I'm loving every moment of it, and it will be interesting to see what more will develop out of Mr. Saltz's online presence. This here blogger is eager for much, much more.


1 comment:

jafabrit said...

Me too, although I am a little shy to comment sometimes. I love the interaction, questions and resulting banter in the comments.